Friday, February 16, 2007

Still raving about nonsense...

Here’s the poem which K has been totally insisting I introduce you all to.

The Bathing Hymn

( Translated by Anoushka Ravi shankar from the Marathi original ‘Aanghol Stotra’ )

Om havum bathum namaha

Om take offum clothesum namaha

On the body applyum oilum namaha

Scrubscrubum namaha rubrubum namaha

Scrubscrubum namaha

Om on the body porurum waterum namaha

Glugglugum namaha blugblugum namaha

Glugglugum namaha

Om applyum soapum namaha

Scrubscrubum namaha rubrubum namaha

Work upum latherum namaha

Om pourum more waterum namaha

Glugglugum namaha blugblugum namaha

Wash offum soapum namaha

Om wipeum bodyum namaha

Weareum clothesum namaha

Om niceum cleanum namaha

Bring outum snacksum namaha!

By far the weirdest poem I’ve personally ever read. Am amazed at the fact that it has been written at all. And yet… it’s awesome! :)


lemon said...

he he..hilarious..!!
cant believe some one actually wrote this.!!
*scrubscrubum* lmao...!!!!

Unknown said...

Glad you like the book!

Anushka and I chanted "The Bathing Hymn" at the readings in Delhi and Mumbai. What fun!

Here's the blog for The Tenth Rasa... nothing too thrilling, but I thought I'd let you know...

Michael H