Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Cold that never died

At the moment there are a few things which are constantly occupying my mind space.

1) My never ending Cold. strange as it may seem, but its been close to two weeks since ive been suffering from a running nose... and when i say running i mean... sleepless nights, constant blowing and a nose which is raw and peeling. Now thats not nice, is it.
I have a few deductions about my cold which i'd like to put forth...

a) Im allergic to Mumbai (weather)!!! Now though these may seem two very seperate thoughts, however they are completely interrelated: The city has ofcourse been getting under my skin for the past three months, and the dirty sultry weather which is on its way, is totally not suiting me... so ive figured that we have a mutual dislike for each other (the city and me)

b) Im allergic to A/Cs ( it sounds strange, however the A/C in dad's office car has this dirty car freshner poured in it... which is meant to make to give u this pleasant feeling, but leaves you choking for breath)

c) Im allergic to dad ... now this was HIS line, not mine... n all i can say is that considering we're ready to bite each other's head off..... MAYBE

2) GYM ... GYM... GYM... GYM... if i dont join the gym today, i'll absolutely disown myself